About Us

LGTECH is a team of experienced industry experts. We have developed a worldwide network infrastructure that allows Device and App developers/manufacturers to connect millions of devices without the need for cloud computing services.



Our engineers are known for innovation and having a passion for doing things better. Our groundbreaking technology has been awarded patents in both USA and China.


LGTECH’s founders have years of experience in the cloud services industry. Understanding the cloud’s pitfalls has led to the development of our new, revolutionary platform.


Our team is always available to assist product manufacturers and software developers who need a hand creating products and Apps to run on our platform.


Our Founders have long and storied careers working with developers and manufacturers of many different IoT devices, operating on well-known cloud platforms. But like a broken record, every product introduction led to the same ill-fated outcome, due to the problems and pitfalls that are inherent with the cloud services industry.

In one example:

  • Product launch was smooth and uneventful. But once the 5000 device threshold was met, the IoT cloud provider demanded payment of $250,000 for a three-year contract.
  • The company was also required to pay IoT messaging fees, which significantly increased its monthly recurring costs.
  • Additionally, technical problems encountered with the cloud provider took days or weeks to resolve, and an overload of the central server made it nearly impossible to control the operation of tens of thousands of devices in real time.

Ultimately, companies are often bankrupted or destroyed when they are at the mercy of the cloud providers. Our founders knew there had to be a better way, so they developed LGTECH’s Discover, Switch and Connect platform. The advantage of this implementation is that there is no need to pay the high costs of cloud services, web services, and dashboard, and automation is possible without human intervention.


Our corporate offices are located in Southern California but our innovative network platform operates Globally.



LGTECH is comprised of seasoned individuals with backgrounds in software development, product design, product marketing, business and operations management, and venture technology investment. As a team, we strive to provide our customers with superior product and service, the lowest costs, and the most secure communications platform in our industry.


We look for transparency in action and diversity in thinking. We celebrate all our feats and triumphs together, remembering every key player. This is how we are geared towards creating the future of communications.