Founded in 2006, Sonendo used its proof of concept and patented “GentleWave System” based off of years of research to deliver debride and disinfect teeth and other root canal cavities in a completely unprecedented way.

For Sonendo, The Amazon AWS cloud storage service was used. Based off of this, 400 units were sold since the launch of the cloud based service to a clientele around the globe. The setup required for this device array consisted of 10 virtual machines, with a total of 1TB of storage space. The contract, initially meant for 3 years, could be extended to 10 years, averaged towards USD 2,000 per month.
For communication interfacing, the Amazon AWS default interface was used in the hopes of not having to deal with third party vendors and communication configurations. However, due to the nature of the setup, the virtual machines were quickly found to be lagging.
As stated above, the sensor technology was communicating at a much higher rate than expected, with the servers not able to catch a host of messages produced per second, with the webserver implementations facing technical errors and subsequently succumbing to down time. All in all, it was unclear why this was happening.
2 years after the launch of the IoT product line, Sonendo received complaints from each and every one of the clients all the while unable to determine where the lag was coming from, why the servers experienced down time or how to get the products to resume service in a timely manner. Each of the sold units were returned.