Established in 1973, and based out of California, U.S. Waterways Plastic has been committed to creating devices and solutions for the home users, specializing in hot tubs, pool equipment and bath product design. With WaterWays Plastic, LGTech was asked to come in and develop custom solutions, for use in personal space as well as NSF approved equipment.

For Waterways Plastic, LGTech used the Amazon AWS cloud as the data storage facility using their cloud services due to their high reputation. Using this technology stack, the company deployed a network of 5000 units every month over a five year long contract. For this reason, the setup consisted of 1TB of storage space spread over multiple virtual machines, with a USD 2,500 per month service cost.
For this solution, we deployed the PubNub service and has the AWS cloud communicate with this protocol suite for all spa, pool and tub equipment. The fee calculated was based on number of messages sent and received, calculated via the SDK used to register all the devices on the network. All of this totaled up to at least USD 2,000 per month.
Due to inconsistencies in the respective technology stacks and protocol mismatching, service downtime was common. With many aspects of the technology stack hidden due to third party vendors and integrations, the whole solution quickly started showing problems which were not solved over the 5 year term.
The sold units, including tubs, spas units and pools were dismantled and the IoT parts were shipped back without regards. Every customer expressed dissatisfaction, all the way from enterprise associates and resellers to individual clients and customers who were using the devices in their own homes.